The Method In My Madness

The Method In My Madness Although I want you to learn my methodology, if I’m completely honest (which I always am) there are many ways to become a slayer. I’ve seen people stumble into being a slayer through a dark harsh period in their life. They conquered the pain...

What Do You Mean I’m Irritating, Carl Jung?

What do you mean I’m Irritating? “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” Carl Jung Well isn’t that just a fabulously irritating statement. Thanks Dr Jung for that head slapper. I think this is one of those...

Entrepreneurial – Get Sh!t Done

Entrepreneurial – Getting Sh!t Done When you here the word ‘entrepreneurial’ how does it make you feel? Exhilarated? Curious? Terrified? Confused? Envious? Full of anticipation? Apathetic? What if I said to you that many organisations, senior...

Yogish – Everything is Connected

Yogish – Everything is Connected? Let’s get a little woo-woo. Just a little though, because I’m a practical chick by nature. But you have to expect a little woo-woo from me. I mean, we’re using the metaphor of slaying vampires for goodness sake. And yes,...

Agile – Are You a Reed or an Oak Tree?

Agile – Are You a Reed or an Oak Tree? When you are a slayer, you are flexible in your thinking and your behaviour. You believe that moving with change assists you to grow and you take action based on this belief. Emotional intelligence, resilience, leadership,...

The Slayer

The Slayer – She’s You and She’s Me, She’s Everyone Many years ago I started to ask why some people went through tragic events and became emotionally stronger, while others became weaker. I started to look at times in my life where I felt...